The Pandastan Trilogy

The Pandastan Trilogy is a series of three books: Pandastan, Lenwa and the Pandahead, and Good Sense Panda. It begins with the unlikely story of Dramedy Carver, a court clerk who gets caught in the thick of a diplomatic struggle between the free-market fundamentalism of the US President—and a race of mystic pandas bent on reversing world economic growth in order to save the planet.

The trilogy pits a human civilization bent on self-destruction against these highly evolved pandas, who intervene in human affairs to prevent a planetary environmental collapse. Having developed the ability to tap into the nonphysical fields of existence through mental discipline, the pandas devote their powers to preserving a living future for all the inhabitants of Earth. But unless they can convince humanity to change its ways willingly, their powers will not be enough to prevail.

The tale follows a small group of ordinary Americans who unexpectedly find themselves at the juncture between human and panda worlds. Each of them must confront the challenge of finding a meaningful approach to life in a world that’s headed on a collision course with disaster. Only a revolution in human consciousness seems to offer any hope. They turn to the pandas for teachings in mind, spirit, and love, seeking to apply this wisdom in service of a healed age.